Personal empowerment. Collective advancement.

Since our founding over a decade ago, we have built the most diverse network of highly respected and deeply motivated individuals – name a profession and they are represented in our ranks.

After all, we exist to ensure community members find a place to develop themselves as individuals, but also grow under the umbrella of community empowerment.

Expand your network. Empower our community.

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Whether the national group or your local chapter page, find us on Facebook.

Find a Chapter Near You
There are NAAP chapters in cities all around the America. Find the one nearest you!

Thinking of starting a chapter?
All chapters started with a handful of people coming together. Learn how to get one up-and-running in your area!

Find an Arab-American Network in your area!
There may not be a NAAP chapter, or even a chapter petition underway, however there may be a local Arab-American Network around you!

Professional Networking, Online
Connect with NAAP members across professional backgrounds through our LinkedIn.

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